A recent review of 13 randomized trials (high quality studies) found that even though acetaminophen (aka paracetamol) is the most common pain reliever in the USA, it is a poor choice for both low back pain and most hip pain. Through in the strong risks of liver failure in repetitive use, and it’s a no-brainer to just say “No!”
Excerpt from the study results:
“ There was “high quality” evidence that paracetamol is ineffective for reducing pain intensity… and disability … or improving quality of life … in the short term in people with low back pain. For hip or knee osteoarthritis there was “high quality” evidence that paracetamol provides a significant, although not clinically important, effect on pain”
The solution? TRY CHIROPRACTIC with its proven efficacy in low back pain cases before reaching for a pill!
Find the study here.